Project List

Education K-12

ABC Unified School District | Cerritos, California
Ackley Elementary School | Ackley, Iowa 
Akiachak Replacement School | Alaska
Akiak Replacement School | Alaska 
Alakanuk School Replacement | Alakanuk, AK
Alan Shepard Elementary | Eldridge, Iowa
Alburnett K-12 School | Alburnett, Iowa 
Amity Sr. High School | Woodbridge, Connecticut 
Anchorage School District | Anchorage, Alaska
Ankeny Middle School | Ankeny, Iowa 
Ankeny East Elementary | Ankeny, Iowa 
Ankeny Prairie Elementary | Ankeny, Iowa 
Ankeny #10 Elementary | Ankeny, Iowa
Aplington-Parkersburg High School | Parkersburg, Iowa
Austin High School | Chicago, Illinois 
Avanti High School | Olympia, Washington
Beacon High School | Beacon, New York
Belle Plaine Elementary School | Belle Plaine, Iowa
Bethel School District Central Kitchen | Eugene, Oregon
Bend Senior High School | Bend, Oregon
Beverly Hills School District | Beverly Hills, California
Bicentennial Elementary School | Moline, Illinois 
Birchwood School |
Bloomfield High School | Bloomfield, Iowa 
Bondurant-Farrar High School | Bondurant, Iowa 
Bow Lake | SeaTac, Washington 
Bremerton School District Central Kitchen, Bremerton, WA
Brookdale Elementary School | Parkland, WA
Bunche Elementary | Chicago, Illinois
Bunger Middle School | Chicago, Illinois
Camp Waskawitz | Highline School District 
Cardinal Middle/High School | Eldon, Iowa
Carver Elementary School | Dubuque, Iowa 
Cedarhurst Elementary | Burien, Washington
Cedar Falls Pete Junior High School | Cedar Falls, Iowa
Cedar Falls Holmes Junior High School | Cedar Falls, Iowa
Central City High School | Central City, Iowa
Centralia CC Student Center | Centralia, Washington
Central Avenue Elementary | Tacoma, WA
Central Kitsap School District - Central Kitchen | Silverdale, WA
Challenger High School | Spanaway, WA
Charter School of the Dunes | Gary, Indiana
Chicago Dunes Charter School | Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Hope Academy | Chicago, Illinois
Chimacum School District | Chimacum, Washington
Chinook Middle School | Lacey, Washington  
Church Street School | White Plains, New York 
CICS Qwest | Chicago, Illinois
Circle Rock | Chicago, Illinois
Clear Creek Elementary | Oxford, Iowa
Colona Elementary School | Colona, Illinois
Coupeville High School | Coupeville, Washington 
Covington Elementary School | Covington, Washington  
Crestwood High School | Cresco, Iowa
Curtis Jr. High School | North Thurston School District 
CVCS | Chicago, Illinois
Dakota Elementary School | Dakota, Illinois 
Dalzell Field Concessions | Dubuque, Iowa 
Danville High School | Danville, Iowa
Davenport Elementary School | Value Analysis Study 
Decorah Elementary School | Decorah, Iowa 
Decorah Middle School | Decorah, Iowa 
Decorah High School | Decorah, Iowa 
Delta Greeley Middle High School | HMSD, Alaska 
Denver High School | Denver, Iowa
Dewitt Middle School | Dewitt, Iowa 
Dewitt High School | Dewitt, Iowa 
Discovery Charter School | Chicago, Illinois
Don Bosco High School | Gilbertville, Iowa
Dubuque Alternative Learning Center | Dubuque, Iowa
Dubuque Community School District - Central Kitchen | Dubuque, Iowa 
Dubuque Senior High School | Dubuque, Iowa 
Earlham K-12 School | Earlham, Iowa
East Dubuque High School | East Dubuque, Illinois
Eastland High School | Lanark, Illinois
Evergreen Elementary | Spanaway, Washington
Fairbank Elementary School | Fairbank, Iowa 
Fairfield High School | Fairfield, Connecticut 
Fairfield High School | Fairfield, Iowa
Farmington Pre-K - 12 School | Farmington, Illinois
Fern Hill Elementary | Tacoma, Washington 
Ferrucci Junior High School | Puyallup, WA
Fort Dodge High School | Fort Dodge, Iowa 
Foss High School Culinary Renovation | Tacoma Washington
Franklin Pierce Early Childhood | Spanaway, Washington
Fredericksburg Elementary School | Fredericksburg, IA
Galesburg Central Kitchen | Galesburg, IA
Galesburg High School - Culinary Arts | Galesburg, IA
Galesburg - King Elementary | Galesburg, IA
Galesburg - Lombard Elementary | Galesburg, IA
Galesburg Middle School | Galesburg, IA
Galesburg School District - District Assessment | Galesburg, Iowa
Galesburg - Steele Elementary | Galesburg, IA
Garfield High School | Seattle, Washington 
George Washington School | White Plains, New York
Grand Center Arts | St. Louis, Missouri 
Grey Middle School | Tacoma School District 
Hamilton Elementary School | Moline, Illinois 
Hamilton International Middle School | Seattle, Washington
Harrison District 150 Elementary | Peoria, Illinois 
Hastings High School | Hastings, New York 
Hempstead High School | Dubuque, Iowa 
Highland Park High School | Highland Park, IL - Culinary Facility
Holy Family Middle School | Highland Park, Illinois 
Janesville Elementary | Janesville, Iowa 
Johnston Lawson Elementary | Johnston, Iowa 
Kilbuck School, LKSO - Lower Kuskokwim School District, AK
Knoxville Middle School | Knoxville, Iowa
Kotlik School | Kotlik, Alaska 
Lake Forest High School | Lake Forest, Illinois 
Lake Washington High School | Lake WA School District
Little Diomede School | Little Diomede, Alaska 
Long Beach Unified School District | Long Beach, CA
Louisa - Muscatine High School | Letts, Iowa
Mamaroneck Avenue Elementary School | White Plains, NY
Manhattan Beach School District | Manhattan Beach, CA
Marshall School | Marshall, Alaska 
Marquardt Middle School | Glendale Heights, Illinois
Marvista Elementary School | Normandy Park, WA 
Mason City Junior / Senior High | Mason City, Iowa 
McMicken Heights Elementary | SeaTac, Washington 
McVurney/Baldwin Independent School | New York, NY  
Medina Elementary | Bellevue School District, Washington
Midland Junior / Senior High School | Wyoming, Iowa 
Midway Elementary | Des Moines, Washington 
Mountain View Middle School | Bonney Lake, Washington 
Muckleshoot K-12 School | Auburn, Washington 
Muscatine Community School District - Central Kitchen | Muscatine, Iowa
Muscatine Franklin Elementary | Muscatine, Iowa 
Muscatine High School | Muscatine, Iowa 
Naches Trail Elementary Replacement School | Tacoma, WA
Neal Math & Science Academy | Chicago, Illinois
New Port Heights Elementary | Bellevue School District, WA 
New Trier Day Care Center | New Trier, Illinois 
New York City Public School #153 | New York. New York
Niles North High School (Dish Room), Skokie, Illinois 
Niles West High School (Dish Room), Skokie, Illinois
North Scott High School | Eldridge, Iowa
Oakville Elementary School | Oakville, Washington
Oregon Elementary School | Oregon, Illinois
Panther Lake Elementary | Federal Way, Washington 
Parkside Elementary School | Des Moines, Washington
Pella High School | Pella, Iowa 
Plato Elementary | Chicago, Illinois 
P.S. #153 | New York, New York
P.S. #20 | Whitestone, New York 
Prescott Elementary | Dubuque, Iowa 
Preston Elementary School | Harrison, New York 
Proviso East High School - Culinary Kitchen | Maywood, IL
Puyallup Elementary School | Puyallup, Washington 
Puyallup Elementary School #22 | Puyallup, Washington 
Puyallup Elementary School #23 | Puyallup, Washington 
Puyallup High School Culinary Arts | Puyallup, Washington
Quakerdale Academy | New Providence, Iowa 
Quileute Tribal School | La Push, Washington
Ralph Ellison High School | Chicago, Illinois 
Readlyn Elementary | Readlyn, Iowa 
Ridgeview Elementary School | White Plains, New York 
Riverside School District | Riverside, California 
Rock Island Community School District - Central Kitchen | Rock Island, Illinois
Russian Mission School | Russian Mission, Alaska 
Santa Monica High School | Santa Monica, California
Sauganash Elementary | Chicago, Illinois 
Savoonga School Replacement | Bering Strait SD, AK
Scarsdale High School | Scarsdale, New York
SE Polk Junior High School | Des Moines, Iowa
Shaktoolik School | Shaktoolik, Alaska
Shining Mountain Elementary School | Elk Plain, Washington
Shishmaref K-12 | Shishmaref, AK
Shorewood Elementary | Highline School District 
Skykomish Temporary School | Skykomish, WA
Solon Middle School | Solon, Iowa 
South Bay Elementary | North Thurston School District
South Lake High School | Seattle School District 
South Shore Elementary School | Seattle School District 
Southworth Elementary | Yelm, Washington
St. Ansgar Elementary School | Ansgar, Iowa 
St. Bonifas | Chicago, Illinois
St. Christopher's School | Dobbs Ferry, New York 
St. Joseph's Catholic Church and School | Des Moines, Iowa
St. Joseph's | Chicago, Illinois 
St. Marks | Chicago, Illinois 
St. Martins University | Olympia, Washington 
St. Michael School Replacement | Bering Straight SD, Alaska
Steilacoom High School - Culinary Renovation | Steilacoom, WA
Sumner High School | Sumner, Iowa 
Tacoma Public Schools - Central Kitchen Feasability Study | Tacoma, Washington
Technology Access Foundation Project
Teton Science School | Jackson Hole, Wyoming 
Tuluksak Replacement School | Tulusak, Alaska 
Unit 5 Middle School | Bloomington, Illinois 
Unit 5 Elementary School (2) | Bloomington, Illinois 
Unit 5 Sugar Creek Elementary School | Bloomington, Illinois
University Place School | University Place SD, Washington
UNO Charter School (Soccer Academy) | Chicago, Illinois
UNO Charter School (Natchez) | Chicago, Illinois 
UNO High School | Chicago, Illinois 
UNO Immaculate Conception | Chicago, Illinois  
UNO Jackson | Rockford, Illinois 
UNO Rogers Park | Chicago, Illinois
Urbana High School | Urbana, Illinois 
Vinton-Shellsburg Elementary School | Vinton, Iowa 
Vinton High School | Vinton, Iowa 
Wahlert High School | Dubuque, Iowa 
Washington Junior High School | Dubuque, Iowa 
Washington Lincoln High School | Washington, Iowa 
Washington Stewart Elementary | Washington, Iowa 
Waverly Middle School | Waverly, Iowa 
West Central Maynard K-12 | Maynard, Iowa 
West Des Moines Stilwell | West Des Moines, Iowa 
West Des Moines Valley H.S. | West Des Moines, Iowa
Western Dubuque High School | Epworth, Iowa
Westlake School - Pantry | Beverly Hills, California 
White Mountain School | Bering Strait School District, Alaska
Woodland Elementary | North Thurston School District, AK
Yelm Middle School | Yelm, Washington
Yucaipa Joint Unified School District | Yucaipa, California 
Yupiit School District | Alaska


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